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  目標:輔導業者一同開發伊斯蘭合作組織57個成員國及16億穆斯林人口市場。(以上國家及人口數字來自伊斯蘭合作組織官方網站 https://www.oic-oci.org/home/?lan=en 

  Vision :  To build a comprehensive system that enables deep cooperation and meaningful exchanges between Taiwan and Muslim-majority countries worldwide in areas such as economy, manufacturing, technology collaboration, trade, financial exchanges, construction (building materials and technologies), investment, government and public cooperation projects, tourism, and more.

  Mission :  To provide a complete understanding of Islamic laws and regulations, as well as the current laws in various Muslim countries, to help Taiwanese industries and citizens understand Islamic culture, the Muslim market, and its regulatory framework, facilitating formal business cooperation with Muslim countries in various industries and increasing business opportunities.

  Goal :  To assist businesses in developing cooperation with the 57 member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the 1.6 billion Muslim population. (The number of countries and population data is sourced from the official website of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation: https://www.oic-oci.org/home/?lan=en).